Category Archives: God

An Explanation

Hello world,

Earlier this summer, I was having a major meltdown to say the least. I felt as if everything that I was planning was crumbling beneath me. And I’m a planner. I can’t couldn’t have my life in shambles. And so I was insanely stressed, and it was apparent in everything that I wrote. So I just needed to stop writing.

But I’ve learned from this summer. I’ve gained new patience, understanding and peace. It was definitely a time of soul searching and prayer, and now all is right with the world. Well, not really, but I’m doing a much better job of handling the madness that was, is and will always be my life.

Thank you for your patience. I’m BACK! 😀



This weekend my brother graduated from University of Arkansas School of Law! I couldn’t possibly be more proud. Watching him overcome obstacles and still come out with his head held up high and an incredibledegree gives me inspiration to keep going! Never give up! God can always make a way, and if you follow Him, He will help you reach your goals! Keep moving.

This year my older brother graduated from law school, my younger brother will graduate from high school, my cousin and my uncle from grad school, and I will graduate from college! It is a great educational year for us!

The graduate and I! (: